Instructions for authors:
Articles that will not meet the editorial requirements will not be accepted for printing.
The article should contain the following elements:
- Title (in English)
- Abstract (English)
- Key words (English)
- Content of the article (English)
- Bibliography
Statement –ZOBACZ
Basic editorial requirements:
- The language of monographs: English.
- Article size: 20–40 thousand characters.
The structure of the submitted article should correspond to the following order: Name, surname, affiliation, ORCID number – upper left corner.
Title of the article – bolded font: - The title should be given in English.
- Keywords – 11 points, keywords in English.
Abstract: - The abstract should be written in English.
- Font : Times New Roman (normal).
- Font size: 11.
- Leading: 1.
- The minimum number of characters: 500.
- Maximum number of characters: 1000.
- Structure of the abstract: the purpose of the article, main theses, applied research methods, etc.
- The abstract should be accompanied by keywords in English (min 3, max 5).
Content of the article:
- Introduction: should include methodological assumptions (main problem, detailed problems, purpose, research methods).
- Main part: divided into subchapters corresponding to specific problems. Contains solution of research problems and research conclusions. Subsections should be marked in the text by bold font.
- Conclusion: it should contain conclusions regarding solved research problems.
Editorial requirements: - Page format: A4, margins: left, right – 2,5 cm, top, bottom – 2,5 cm
- Font: 12 p. Times New Roman (normal). The text allows the use of distinctions only in the form of bold text. The italic is reserved for writing titles of publications and foreign-language texts that should be highlighted in the text in this way. Underlined text is not allowed.
- Leading: 1,5.
- Quotations in the text should be quoted at the beginning and the end, and their source must be given in the footnote. The quotation in the quote should be marked with quotes >> <<.
- The texts should not use “forced” line breaks, manual hyphenation, permanent spaces, text formatting by using multiple spaces.
- Drawings, tables, titled charts, numbered separately, with source (e.g. own study). References to these elements in the text are only by their numbers.
- Table descriptions – Times New Roman font, 11 p. Above the table, text in the table in 9 p., Single line spacing.
- Graph axis descriptions and text in drawings: Times New Roman font – 9 p.
- Captions and drawing numbers in Times New Roman 11 font – located under the drawing .
- Captions and drawing numbers in Times New Roman 11 font – placed above the table.
- Citation as footnotes, continuous numbering according to the formula: bottom, continuous numbering.
The following types of bibliographic description should be used in the footnotes: - Legal acts:
- (each time a full record is given): full name of the act, number of the statute, position
e.g.: Act of 26 April 2007 r. on crisis management, Dz.U. No 89, item 590.
- Compact publications:
- referring to one or several authors: author (authors), title of the book (in italics), publishing house, place and year of publication, page,
e.g.: M. Raś, International activity of the regions of the Russian Federation, Publishing House Ellipse Warsaw 2018, pp. 22–32;
P. Makowiec, M. Mroszczyk , Tactics of Russian reconnaissance units. Vol. 1, Individual training and tactics of the reconnaissance group, Difin, Warsaw 2016, p. 40. - official publications, reports: publishing institution, title (in italics), publisher, place and year of publication, page,
e.g.: Report on the state of security in Poland in 2016, Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Warsaw 2016, p. 10. - no author or editor on the title page of the cited book, multi-authors publications, dictionaries, encyclopedias: title (italics), publishing house, place and year of publication, pages.
e.g.: Political Dictionary , WN PWN, Warsaw 2018, pp. 345–347.
- Articles or chapters in collective work:
author of the study; title (in italics); the title of the book in which it was placed, preceded by the record: “[in:]”, the initial of the name and the name of the editor (ed., not edited), publishing house, place and year of publication, page.
e.g.: J. Chojnacki, New technologies in the Polish army as an element of the state security policy, [in:] National security of Poland: threats and determinants, A. Chabacińska, Z. Czachor (ed.), Difin, Warsaw 2016, p. 463. - Continuous publications (articles in magazines or newspapers):
initial of the name and surname of the author, title of the article (in italics), title of the journal (in quotes) possibly year, year of publication, subsequent volume (possibly number, notebook), page.
eg: A. Legucka, NATO in the Ukrainian security policy after the Cold War, “Polityka i Bezpieczeństwo” 2010, vol. 1, p. 20.
A. Kublik, Russia has torpedoed gas negotiations with Ukraine, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, January 22, 2019 (the issue number of the newspaper can be given instead of the date), p. 1. - Online materials:
- title, Internet address, date of access
e.g.: Disaster of a military helicopter in Ukraine;, accessed: 24.01.2019. - article from the magazine (publication on the Internet ): author, title of the article, title of the journal, year, number, exact address, date of access,
e.g. H. Arndt , Globalisation, “Pacific Economic Paper” 1998, no. 275;, accessed: 24.01.2019.
- Unpublished works:
K. Kraj, The Role and Importance of Russia to Combat International Terrorism, [unpublished work], 2006.
In the FOOTNOTES we use: - Font: 10 p. Times New Roman.
- Spacing: 1.0.
- Ibidem (in the same place) – if we repeat the content of the previous footnote.
- If we re-invoke the work, we write: the initial of the name, the name, the beginning of the title…, the page number.
- Op. cit. (work cited) – if we refer the reader to a previously cited item, L. Chojnowski, Bezpieczeństwo…, op. cit., p. 5.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Bibliography in alphabetical order should be placed after the article text.
- First name should be mentioned, followed by the initial (s) of the name of the author.
- Other elements as in the description of footnotes, with page numbers.